Akron Beacon Journal, Price: $13,885.00, This bike is SWEET! Loved it when I bought it and still do. Just no time to ride and feel bad just letting her sit. This is what she has, if you have any other questions, email me. -Forward controls -Vance and Hines big radius 2 into one full exhaust ~ not slip ons -Actual programmer for shift points and rev limits ~ not just a cheap dumb download. I still have the actual programmer which is worth up to $700 alone, comes with bike -Silencer handle grips -Screamin eagle heavy breather with tear drop polished cover -Revv Up packet from Rubber City Harley Davidson ~ gives you free maintenance up to 10,000 miles, it's almost $400 for an oil change on a Harley, this Revv up would make them free! Welcome to the club! -Stock pipes (I actually kept them) -Bike was babied and barely ridden due to no spare time
Akron Beacon Journal, Price: $13,885.00, This bike is SWEET! Loved it when I bought it and still do. Just no time to ride and feel bad just letting her sit. This is what she has, if you have any other questions, email me. -Forward controls -Vance and Hines big radius 2 into one full exhaust ~ not slip ons -Actual programmer for shift points and rev limits ~ not just a cheap dumb download. I still have the actual programmer which is worth up to $700 alone, comes with bike -Silencer handle grips -Screamin eagle heavy breather with tear drop polished cover -Revv Up packet from Rubber City Harley Davidson ~ gives you free maintenance up to 10,000 miles, it's almost $400 for an oil change on a Harley, this Revv up would make them free! Welcome to the club! -Stock pipes (I actually kept them) -Bike was babied and barely ridden due to no spare time